A New Jersey College Takes Action to Stop Bird Collisions

The glass facade of Atlantic Cape Community College seems ordinary at first glance. But upon closer inspection, the windows are treated with a material that eliminates reflections and provides visibility from within. A film called CollidEscape, which prevents bird collisions, clings to the window's surface. Birds like Wood Thrush benefit from this simple modification.

Wood Thrush, Paul Tessier, Shutterstock

Wood Thrush by Paul-Tessier/Shutterstock

The trilling song of Wood Thrush enchants many of us who wait for that sound through the winter months; the buzzing of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds is a sight for sore eyes at our feeders in the spring. But these migratory birds, like many others, face the threat of collisions on their epic journeys from wintering to breeding habitat. Up to 1 billion birds die in collisions with glass each year.

Nestled near the Atlantic Ocean in New Jersey, Atlantic Cape Community College's Cape May County Campus is in a region of supreme importance to migratory birds. Soon after redesigning their campus building, students and staff noticed dead birds near its sparkling glass windows. They knew they had to take action.

Do your part to stop birds from hitting windows and help today.

Sincerest thanks to Lisa Apel-Gendron, Dr. Tammy DeFranco, Rob Townsend, John Wade, and Atlantic Cape Community College for supporting bird conservation on their campus. And many thanks to Alexis Pazmiño for editing this video.

Aditi DesaiAditi Desai is Director of Multimedia and Assistant Director of Communications at ABC. Her storytelling work has taken her from the prairies of North Dakota to the beaches of Honduras. She spent two days learning about the heroic staff members who fought to make Atlantic Cape Community College bird-friendly.